This is Katie's Birth story, (she is 3 and half months now). So I was due Wednesday November 3rd, 2010, I had an appointment on that day and the Doctor told me I was going to be induced on Friday at 9am because she was afraid Katie would get too big. I really didn't want to get induced but since I was alone I just said okay. So Thursday night we picked up Raul's Mom to stay with my daughters (Stacy 4 and Hailey 5), we also went to walmart, and bought snacks for the girls and food for when we're gone.
The next morning, we were leaving, I felt so emotional, life as I knew it was about to change. So I said Goodbye to my girls and we left, half way down the stairs I deciding I had to go back up to take one final picture with my girls as that part of me was ending, so I did. I went back up kissed them one more ime and took a picture with my cell phone. I was holding back tears :(
I drove in my car and Raul drove in his car to the Hospital. On the way I was excited but didnt really wanna go, I didnt want my baby out yet. I didn't wanna go through with the induction but felt I had too since his mom was already watching the girls, and it would allow him to be with me more at the hospital since it was a weekend and he didnt have to work. But thats another story...
Anyhoo the Doctor told me I could eat before we went in, and although we were running late to the hospital we decided to grab something to eat. We stopped at Weinerschnitezel and ate in the car. I was so nervous and yes excited and scared, Id never been induced.
We arrived at about 10am (an hour late!), we had a very nice nurse who also had 3 girls, she started the pitocin at 11:12am 2ml/hr. We waited and I was so nervous, I was making Katie nervous and her heartbeat as well as mine was racing. I was afraid of the pain!, i had heard inductions give you the worse pain. The nurse told me to calm down or Id need to have a c-section if the babys heart stayed up, so I did and her heart calmed too and everything went smoothly. It was just me and Raul, my Mom said she would come after she picked up my neice from school. Pitocin was increased at 1:20pm 8ml/hr. Raul left to Build a Bear in Glendale to get The Hello Kitty "bear:" stuffed (we got all our girls bears stuffed on the day they were born). So I was all alone :(
I finally started getting harder contractions, but they were only 3/10 on the pain scale, this was around 1:30pm. During which the Pit was reaised to 24ml/hr!! then at 3:14pm to 30ml/hr!!. YIKES.
My Mom and neice arrived around 3pm, I was glad to see my Mom, although she couldn't be with me as much as she had been with my last two pregnacies since she was babysitting. Raul also got back a little before they did, the nurse wanted to see what he got so he showed her the Hello Kitty and she sat it down and thought it was cute haha.
Pain was becoming unbearable and I was sitting in the bed (they lowered the leg part down and made the bed into a chair). I finally caved in and got Nubain at 7:30pm, it did nothing!!!, it didnt even put me to sleep :( So at 9:15p I got the Epidural. I was scared especially it did not work with my last pregnancies but was in so much pain I decided to try. They sent in the anesthesiologist RIGHT AWAY i was surprised and happy with how quick she came in. She was young, My Mom told me to believe it would work and not think negative so I did. I believed and PRAYED that it would work and it did!!!. I felt no pain, when they let my Mom, cousin and Raul back in, I cried. i felt so much better and couldn't believe it worked. Now it was the waiting game for my little Katie.
Desi and blas and my Sister in Law Deeann Came in and We talked, then my OB Dr. Chou came in and broke my water at 10:15pm. I was 5-6 cm, completely effaced -1. Then my Mom, Raul and cousin Becca came in. At 11:35p I was 8 Cm!! :) At some point everyone decided to leave my room to let me "rest" and just awhile later at12:03am I felt so much pressure and I knew it was time! I called Raul but no answer, so I texted him and texted my cousin, then I called my cousin and told her to tell Raul to come quick. I told him it was time. Then I called the nurse on the clicker and told her I felt a lot of pressure. So I snapped once last pic of myself and right after that the nurses and my doctor rushed in. Then Raw came in and saw them and i told him to call my Mom, so he ran out and came back with my Mom and sister Desi to see the birth :)
I dont know how long it took to push but i don't think it was too long. I liked that the epidural took away the pain but I still felt the pressure of her coming down and the infamous ring of fire when she was crowning!. When she was crowning one of the nurses said you can feel her if you want and I did, I reached down and felt her soft squishy head, I was like "Whoa!" lol and the nurses just laughed, it was an amazing thing. Finally I felt her come out and she was born!! They placed her on my stomach, and I cried, I was so in love. She was purple and wasnt crying so they had to take her away, and wipe her down and make her cry. She had the cutest tiniest cry it sounded like "Aa--laa, Aa-laa" even the nurses said it was cute haha. I Love her soooooo much already. She was born at 12:18am 21 inches long and weight 8lbs. 13oz. Vinny, DeeAnn, Becca, Desi, Blas, Gracie, My Mom and Aunt Helen were the first to see her and were in the waiting room.
She had her first bottle at 2:15am 30ml. I was moved to the maternity ward around 230am.
Im so happy and so emotional, I had a rough few weeks and had the baby blues bad!. But I love my Katie Emily with all my heart!!